Laughing is one of the best homeopathic medications in the world. It’s easily available, free and has zero side effects. Studies show there are neurological benefits to laughing and having levity in our lives. [1] People who have the talent to infuse laughter in day-to-day life especially at times when tension is high are the best people to have around! I remember taking a yoga class where we all walked in as strangers and sat on our mats thinking we were going to do a regular yoga class. The instructor explained we were going to do “Happy Yoga” to reframe our mindsets. I thought “Ok, I can go along with this, I am sure there are poses that are supposed to release endorphins to make us happy”. Our instructor told us to take a deep breath and start laughing. It seemed bizarre! Just start laughing? From just sitting quietly next to strangers, start laughing? We all looked around sheepishly. The teacher started with a forced laugh “Ha-Ha” from the back of his throat, then one or two others also started with “Ha-Ha”, it sounded so silly and forced, that a smile came to my face. Then two more “Ha-Ha”s… then we all started trying, still feeling very weird about it. Suddenly the forced “Ha-Ha” started becoming a string of light laughter “hahahaha” then it became louder and louder, and soon we were all roaring loudly with several of us crying with laughter. After about 10 minutes the instructor asked us to simmer down and look around the room. We were all smiling broadly. He then said to introduce ourselves to 5 people. It was easy connecting with each other. The weirdness had been broken because we had shoved our egos aside and had become childlike.
Most of us hate being put in situations with icebreaker games because we are too self-absorbed and judgmental about ourselves. Icebreaker games are so powerful in obliterating our egos allowing us to create bonds with people we have just met. I used to dread events that would start with icebreaker games, but now I go in completely open minded knowing everyone is feeling equally as awkward. I love the idea that by the end of the day I will be connected to someone new. Laughing is contagious! People like to be around happy people.
For many of us, we take life too seriously often focusing on the negative. It’s important to find ways to add laughter. The best thing we can do is laugh at OURSELVES and allow others to laugh with us. Partners who can laugh together (AT each other and WITH each other) will weather relationship storms much more easily than those couples who take life so seriously.
For parents: Find ways to build laughter into family time. Games like Charades, that encourage us to get up and act out a word teaches children that it’s OK to be silly especially when they see us parents being equally silly. As children get older, there are so many phone apps for wholesome fun “Charades for Adults” and “Charades for Kids”. Silly card games always cause laughter. My daughter taught me a fun game that had us laughing. It was about matching cards and being the first to slap the top of the deck to win the pile. I lost miserably! My mom and I sometimes play Rummykub and we laugh a lot usually because I always get the worst tiles. We now call the bad hand an “Andi hand”. As I said, being able to laugh at ourselves is the best.
I hope you find time to build more laughter into your days. If you feel laughter is scarce in your life, then it’s time for a Do Over. If needed, I am here to help you break through inner insecurity and personal judgement.
Laughter article